Florin Morosanu

City Hall of Cluj, Director of Communication and Public Relations to the reader

Dear reader,


Cluj-Napoca has had a shifting position on the map of the migratory routes of Europe. The phenomenon is many-faceted, as only if we look at it at the present moment, the city means also a place to depart from, also a place of transit (consider our 1300 foreign students enrolled to our universities only this year) and of course a place of arrival. The sets of measures we elaborate and apply for each target group are so specific that they cannot be summed up in just one word “migration”. Still, in all the cases we’ll find there exist some things common, and one example would be a bridge between two homelands – one that we are compelled to respect individually and collectively. An even more active approach is to learn to walk this bridge though, to learn from it, and ensure by this we make Cluj a city of inclusion and of true multiculturality. One of the first steps of our learning process is indeed to inform our citizens correctly about the migration phenomena (according to a recent study most Romanians estimate the number of migrants as being larger than in reality) and its trends (Romania is still mostly a transit country). We uphold our vision that migration represents an important human capital, and it is in our duty to actively involve in acting upon existing migration scenarios or forecasting future ones in order to make sure that migrants and migration make the most as a factor of sustainable urban and regional growth.

Florin Moroşanu

City Hall of Cluj

Director of Communication and Public Relations.